Energieauer: key energy figures for Luxembourg

Discover the intuitive platform from Klima-Agence and the Ministry of the Economy to explore and understand the country’s energy trends.
It highlights key indicators linked to the objectives of Luxembourg’s integrated national energy and climate plan (PNEC), to encourage active participation in the energy transition.


Net electricity consumption and imports (in the Creos TSO network)

Consumption figures are based on the Creos TSO network. These figures do not include self-consumption. The net import of electricity is the difference between the quantity of electricity imported and exported by a country or region over a given period. If a country imports more than it exports, it has a positive net import.

Data based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform.


3,11 GWh

covered by renewable energy production

0 %

Consumption covered by national production

0,00 %


105,47 %


144,69 %

Electricity generation fed into the grid

The visualisation shows the share of the various energy sources in the production of electricity fed into the grid in Luxembourg. Imports and exports, as well as self-consumed production, are not taken into account.

Data is based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform.

0,00 GWh

part of renewable energy


By source

  • Biomass and biogas

    Electricity generation from biomass and biogas cogeneration.

  • Natural gas

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  • Hydroelectricity

    Electricity generation from hydroelectric facilities.

  • Photovoltaics

    Electricity generation from small-scale rooftop solar installations to large-scale facilities.

  • Wind power

    Electricity generation from wind turbines.

  • Waste

    Electricity generation from waste incineration, of which 50 % from renewable waste.


Solar energy expansion

The annual objective is based on the latest version of the PNEC. Installed capacity refers to the total annual output of photovoltaic installations in Luxembourg. This capacity represents the maximum electricity output that these installations can generate under optimal sunlight conditions, without taking into account any other factors that could affect daily production, such as the weather or the seasons. Installed capacity is updated monthly via the national register of electricity generation plants (RNCP).

Installed capacity

  • +0,00 MW
    since 2025
  • +98,70 MW
    in 2024

Total capacity

492,70 MW

PNEC target 2030

1236 MW

Wind power expansion

The annual objective is based on the latest version of the PNEC. Installed capacity refers to the total annual output of wind farms installed in Luxembourg. This capacity represents the maximum output that all these wind turbines can generate under ideal wind conditions. Installed capacity is updated on a trimestrial basis via the national register of electricity generation plants (RNCP).

Installed capacity

  • +0,00 MW
    since 2025
  • +5,75 MW
    in 2024

Total capacity

213,69 MW

PNEC target 2030

453 MW

National electricity load forecast

StroumMonitor provides a genuine electricity forecast, assessing the national level of electricity supply in Luxembourg. The grid operator, Creos Luxembourg S.A., provides the necessary information to guide consumers in adopting the right actions and ensuring a secure electricity supply for all.

Peak hours
Today Electricity network in balance (

We have a responsibility to be aware of our consumption

08-10h 19-21h
Tomorrow Electricity network in balance (

We have a responsibility to be aware of our consumption

11-13h 17-19h
02.04.2025 Electricity network in balance (

We have a responsibility to be aware of our consumption

11-13h 17-19h
  • Electricity network in balance

    We have a responsibility to be aware of our consumption

  • Electricity network under strain

    Let’s try to reduce our consumption

  • Electricity network under heavy strain

    Let’s limit our consumption to prevent any blackouts


The number of publicly accessible charging points and the total charging capacity installed in Luxembourg. The installed charging capacity corresponds to the combined power supply capacity of all the charging points for electric vehicles in Luxembourg. Data based on “Observatoire digital de la mobilité”.

Total number of public charging points in Luxembourg


Total electric capacity

89 MW


Natural gas consumption and imports

Monthly natural gas consumption and imports. Since there is no gas production in Luxembourg and biogas production is very low, natural gas consumption is essentially equivalent to national gas imports. The data comes from the transmission system operator (Creos).


835 GWh


  • Entry point :
    669 GWh
  • Entry point :
    166 GWh


Entry point :
0 GWh

Biogas production

Quarterly report of biogas injected into the gas network by the 3 biogas producers in the municipalities Esch-sur-Alzette, Hesperange, and Kehlen.

December 2024
3,91 GWh
November 2024
3,73 GWh
October 2024
4,03 GWh

*N/A: Not communicated

Disclaimer: The data shown above is only preliminary. The definitive national figures on electricity and natural gas are published annually by the ILR. All figures are displayed and calculated on the basis of currently available data.